The best way to have a retirement you love is to plan for it! Here are some tips for success.
1. Create and keep a schedule
Although you may have dreamed for decades about the future when you would no longer have to set an alarm for the crack of dawn or race off to a job five days a week, once you retire you may start to feel differently about the lack of structure. Men in particular tend to identify with their work, and can start to feel isolated or bored after the initial excitement of free time has worn off.
That’s why one of our top tips for retirement happiness is to create new schedules and routines to replace the old nine-to-five—and stick to them.
2. Set goals
Creating new goals for yourself contributes to having a sense of purpose and importance—which helps lead to happiness and increased health.1
Forget about aging and get to work on your next objective! Keep dreaming big. We suggest both yearly goals as well as five-year plans.
3. Make your relationship better
After decades of leading separate careers, some spouses find that they have a little “too much togetherness” when they are both retired with just the two of them living together in their house. Instead of invading each other’s space, why not use this time to take your relationship to a whole new level?
Bring romance back by reenacting your first date or going on the honeymoon you always wanted. Or deepen your ties by finding new activities you want to try together, as well as some you want to pursue alone, allowing your partner to have the house to himself/herself at certain times.
4. Walk—fast
Everyone knows that exercise and eating healthy foods is important at every age, but new studies point out that a fast gait is a strong indicator of cognitive strength, heart health and longevity2 when you are over age 65. So now that you’re retired, speed it up!
5. Be social
Avoid too much alone time in retirement by engaging in more social activities. There are multiple ways to do this, including taking classes, joining or forming a club, volunteering or inviting people over for dinner or to play cards.3
6. Spend time with your grandchildren
Spending quality time with your young grandchildren is good for them and good for you according to recent research4, bringing satisfaction, a sense of purpose and mutual unconditional love.
7. Get a dog
Pets are beneficial, especially in retirement. A study of 3.4 million people published in Scientific Reports found that “dog owners had a lower risk of death due to cardiovascular disease than people who did not report owning a dog, as well as a lower risk of death from other causes. That was true even after adjusting for factors such as smoking, body mass index and socioeconomic status.”5
8. Learn new things
Whether you pick up the guitar, read more books, take up skydiving, study another language or go back to college, learning new things keeps you engaged, active and interesting. And being inquisitive and curious keeps you young.
9. Start a new company
If you’re really ambitious, maybe it’s time to go back to work on your own terms. The internet has made this easier, and according to Inc. Magazine, “People over 50 are among the country’s most active entrepreneurs, starting businesses at rates higher than their young counterparts.”6
10. Continue to plan your retirement; think lasting income
Once you’re retired, don’t stop working with your financial advisor to assess and update your plan to ensure that your income lasts as long as you live. And make sure you review your tax situation as well as your estate plan regularly.
We can help! Call us to set up a retirement planning appointment to refresh your retirement plan at 260-982-1090.
1 “People Age Better If They Have a Purpose In Life.” Time.com. http://time.com/4903166/purpose-in-life-aging/ (accessed January 29, 2018).
2 “How Long Will You Live? It Depends on How Fast You Walk.” Oprah.com. http://www.oprah.com/health/fast-walking-health-benefits-how-fast-you-walk (accessed January 31, 2018).
3“7 Ways to Prevent Loneliness After You Retire.” U.S. News & World Report. https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/on-retirement/articles/2017-08-03/7-ways-to-prevent-loneliness-after-you-retire (accessed January 31, 2018).
4 “The Health Benefits of Having (and Being) Grandparents.” U.S. News & World Report. https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/2017-09-13/the-health-benefits-of-having-and-being-grandparents (accessed January 31, 2018).
5 “It’s Official: Dog Owners Live Longer, Healthier Lives.” Time.com http://time.com/5028171/health-benefits-owning-dog/ (accessed January 31, 2018).
6 “The Hot New ‘Retirement’ Plan for Baby Boomers: Starting a Business.” Inc.com https://www.inc.com/leigh-buchanan/next-act-the-real-reasons-so-many-baby-boomers-are-starting-businesses.html (accessed January 31, 2018).